TGSF...Thank God She's Friday
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Somewhere between January and now I lost my motivation for many things but I've been working on rebuilding it. I just wanted to share three of my current motivation songs. I came across this upcoming 18-year old rapper from Philly by the name of Tayyib Ali in Nylon Magazine's July 2011 Music Issue. They described him as "cloaking the deadly mic skills of a serious Nas devotee in the breezy, laid back cool of Kid Cudi." I had to check him out after reading that, so I downloaded his latest mixtape, Keystone State of Mind. The first song, Get Up became my motivation song mainly because of the hook:
I don't wanna cry no more
I don't wanna try no more
They tell me give up, give, give up
But I can't it's time to get up, get up, get up
Cause I can
Just reminded me to get up and get motivated because I can, nobody can hold me back but myself. Check out the rest of his mixtape for yourself below. Some of my favorites are I Won't Stop, High Definition, California Love, The Outcome, Keystone State of Mind, etc., I like the whole album basically.
Tayyib Ali - Keystone State of Mind by
My other song is Bravo by Ledisi. I heard this song in a commercial for the television series Unsung on TV One. I wasn't the least bit concern with the show but I love the song. It's the perfect song if you had a rough semester and you finished strong or graduated college (s/o to the Class of 2011).
Yeah, we celebrating life.
It don’t matter who you are (or where you from)
If you been working hard,
give yourself a round of applause.
Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Come on clap for yourself.
Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Yeah. Yeah.
Bravo by ledisi
She has another song called Shut Up off of her latest album, Pieces of Me. It's a song that for haters or any other negativity in your life. I don't believe I do but its still a good song to jam to.
I want to tell them shut up
I moving up
No time for the haters
You got to be greater
They need to shut up
I'm flying up
This is my calling
I don't see myself falling
So shut up
LAST THOUGHT: "He who hesitates is lost." -Joseph Addison / "Carpe diem" - Horace
I got the chance to check out a collection of his artwork at the Brooklyn Museum, which ends April 10. Norman Rockwell wasn't your typical painter/illustrator. As cameras became more advanced, he would work with photographers and directed the shoots carefully to capture the details of his paintings that he would later combine.
"I like to do a picture which, instead of depicting a single incident or single moment in time, traces the course of an action over a period of time. Here one can see that the salesman got out of his car, took off his clothes but not his shoes (his feet are tender), spread a newspaper on the grass, and laid his glasses on it; then, at the water's edge, took off his shoes, waded in and just before submerging carefully laid his lighted cigar on his shoe, ready to be puffed the minute he emerges from the stream."
-Norman Rockwell, 1961
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